Press Releases

AFL President Stephen Miller On Monumental AFL Pro-Life Victories At SCOTUS

December 10, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – America First Legal served as co-counsel for private individuals in two cases decided by the Supreme Court today involving SB8, the Texas Heartbeat Act, both of which resulted in emphatic victories for the pro-life movement.  Statement from America First Legal President Stephen Miller: “This is a historic day for America and for […]

MONUMENTAL VICTORIES FOR AFL AND FOR TEXAS: SCOTUS Rejects Efforts to Block Texas Heartbeat Act And Rejects Biden DOJ’s Emergency Appeal

December 10, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC — This morning, the Supreme Court of the United States delivered emphatic victories to AFL in two cases involving SB8, the Texas Heartbeat Act. In the first decision, the Supreme Court rejected abortion providers’ attempt to immunize themselves from private civil lawsuits authorized by SB8. The Court held that judges, court clerks, and […]

AFL Files Motion for Summary Judgment: Requests Judge To Rule On AFL’s Challenge To Biden’s Unlawful Vaccine Mandate For Federal Employees

November 29, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – America First Legal has filed a motion for summary judgment and brief in support of the motion in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia arguing that President Biden’s vaccine mandate federal employees is unlawful, and asking for summary judgment and a permanent injunction to stop the government from […]

AFL Files Lawsuit Against Biden Administration, Challenging The Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate For Federal Employees

November 24, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, on behalf of a courageous federal employee, America First Legal sued the Biden Administration to block its unlawful and unconstitutional federal civilian employee vaccine mandate. Representing a dedicated, twenty-year civilian employee of the Department of the Navy with natural immunity to COVID-19, AFL has brought this case because no law authorizes […]

AFL Slams Biden Administration For Releasing 42,650 Illegal Aliens Into The United States In October ALONE

November 16, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – Last night, the Biden Administration submitted documents to a court in ongoing litigation related to the Migrant Protection Protocols. Those documents show that the Biden Administration knowingly released more than 42,000 illegal aliens into the interior of the United States last month: in October 2021. And that number does not include the […]

AFL Sues Biden DOJ to Force it to Comply With the Law and Start Processing and Producing Politically-Damaging Information Related to Election Integrity, AG Garland’s Oct. 4th Memo, and the Afghanistan Withdrawal

November 16, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – Last night, America First Legal (AFL) filed a lawsuit against the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice to require it to follow the law and process multiple Freedom of Information Act requests AFL filed in recent months: Afghanistan Vetting, Georgia Election integrity lawsuit, and the Oct. 4 Memo siccing the FBI on parents […]

AFL Responds To 5th Circuit Stay On Biden’s Unconstitutional Vaccine-or-Test Mandate

November 13, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – American First Legal (AFL) is thrilled that the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld its prior stay on President Biden’s unlawful, unconstitutional mandate that required companies with 100 workers to require COVID-19 vaccines for their employees, or subject them to regular testing and strict workplace protocols.  Under President […]

AFL Applauds Parents Defending Education For Helping Expose NSBA, DOJ, and White House Collusion Over Infamous Oct. 4th DOJ Memo

November 12, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – American First Legal (AFL) applauds Parents Defending Education for their tremendous work in exposing and confirming the egregious fact pattern first advanced by AFL about Attorney General Merrick Garland’s infamous October 4th memorandum—specifically, that the National School Boards Association (NSBA) coordinated with the White House and the Department of Justice prior to […]

America First Legal FOIAs DOJ Over Involvement in Planned, Calculated Russia Collusion Hoax

November 8, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – American First Legal (AFL) has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking Department of Justice (DOJ) records related to the now-overwhelming evidence that the alleged collusion between President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign with Russia was a hoax, and that the Mueller Investigation was nothing but a partisan […]

America First Legal Partners With Texas Public Policy Foundation To Challenge Biden’s Unconstitutional OSHA Vaccine Mandate

November 5, 2021

Today, America First Legal and the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for the American Future filed a petition in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit challenging the Biden Administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private employers.  The mandate requires all U.S. companies with more than 100 employees to either require their employees to […]

AFL Continues the Fight Against the Biden Administration’s Partisan Power Grab and Purge of the Federal Government — Files Preliminary Injunction To Stop Illegal Removal Of Spicer, Vought From The U.S. Naval Academy Board of Visitors

November 3, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, America First Legal (AFL) filed an application for a preliminary injunction against President Biden’s unprecedented threat to remove former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer and former Office of Management and Budget Director Russ Vought from their duly-appointed positions on the Board of Visitors of the U.S. Naval Academy. Congress provided […]

America First Legal Achieves Monumental Victory for Religious Liberty and the Undisputed Definition of Biological Sex In Its Lawsuit Against The Federal Government’s Illegal Guidance on Transgender Employees

November 2, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC — On Sunday, America First Legal (AFL) secured monumental victories for its clients in a class-action lawsuit against the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) attempt to erase both the First Amendment and the reality of biological sex in the name of gender identity.  In a 70-page opinion, the U.S. District Court for […]

America First Legal Files Reply Briefs at the Supreme Court in Defense of Texas Heartbeat Bill, Preparing For Oral Argument Scheduled on Monday

October 30, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC — Yesterday, America First Legal (AFL) filed two reply briefs on behalf of its clients in cases pending before the Supreme Court of the United States involving the defense of SB8, the Texas Heartbeat Act. The cases will be argued before the Supreme Court on Monday, November 1st.  The two cases are United […]

AFL Demands Investigation Into Whether AG Garland Violated Ethics Rules By Not Disclosing Relationship With Son-in-Law’s Company

October 29, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, America First Legal filed a request for investigation with the Office of Government Ethics regarding Attorney General Merrick Garland’s compliance with conflict of interest regulations. Attorney General Garland’s son-in-law is Alexander Tanner. Mr. Tanner is a corporate official of Panorama Education Inc.  Panorama’s website assures school boards it may purchase racial […]

America First Legal Files Opening Briefs Outlining Arguments at the Supreme Court in Defense of SB8, With Oral Argument Scheduled on Monday

October 28, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC — Last night, America First Legal (AFL) filed two briefs on behalf of its clients in cases pending before the Supreme Court of the United States involving the defense of SB8, the Texas Heartbeat Act. The cases will be argued before the Supreme Court on Monday, November 1st.  The two cases are United […]

America First Legal Requests Investigation Into Viola Garcia’s Potential Quid Pro Quo Appointment To The National Assessment Governing Board

October 27, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, America First Legal (AFL) filed a request for investigation with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) regarding Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona’s appointment of Viola Garcia, President of the National School Boards Association, to the National Assessment Governing Board.  Working for weeks with White House and […]

America First Legal Files Two Historic Supreme Court Briefs In Defense of Unborn, Asks Court To Overrule Roe V Wade

October 21, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, America First Legal (AFL) continued its momentous fight for the unborn, filing two legal briefs in the Supreme Court in defense of the unborn and SB8, the Texas Heartbeat Act. The first brief opposes the Biden DOJ’s emergency application to vacate a stay entered by the U.S. Court of Appeals for […]

In Formal Comment, America First Legal Blasts Biden DOJ, DHS Effort To Codify Open Borders Policies into Federal Regulations

October 20, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC — Last night, in a formal comment submitted as part of the rulemaking process, America First Legal blasted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking from the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security. The Biden Administration’s proposal unlawfully overturns federal statutes to protect its destructive and radical catch-and-release policies and to […]

America First Legal Files Fifth Circuit Brief In Landmark Texas Heartbeat Case, Continues Defense of Unborn As Part of Heartbeat Act Defense Team

October 14, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC — Last night, in its role as part of the Texas Heartbeat Act defense team, America First Legal filed a brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in its continued fight on behalf of its client against the radical left’s attempts to stop the life-saving, landmark Texas Heartbeat Act […]

AFL Demands Answers About Potential Conflict Of Interest Between AG Garland And Son-in-Law’s Company

October 13, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, America First Legal filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the U.S. Department of Justice seeking records bearing on potential conflict of interest concerns created by Attorney General Merrick Garland’s October 4, 2021 memorandum mobilizing the Department’s National Security Division and the FBI against parents speaking out against Critical […]

AFL Requests DOJ OIG Investigation Into AG Garland’s Memorandum of October 4, 2021 Targeting Concerned Parents

October 7, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, America First Legal requested that the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG) investigate the circumstances surrounding Attorney General Garland’s October 4th memorandum regarding the use of federal law enforcement against parents opposed to critical race theory, gender ideology, and irrational mask mandates in public schools.  Among other things, […]

America First Legal FOIAs DOJ for Siccing the FBI on America’s Parents

October 7, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, America First Legal filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking records from the Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding the outrageous October 4 memorandum mobilizing the FBI, the Criminal Division, the National Security Division, the Civil Rights Division, and all U.S. Attorneys to deter parents from exercising their Constitutional rights […]

AFL Hits Back Against The Outright Politicization Of The Biden DOJ Against Concerned Parents

October 5, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, America First Legal Vice-President Gene Hamilton came out swinging against the Biden Administration for weaponizing the Department of Justice, with the prospect of FBI agents scoping out school board meetings, to chill the free speech rights of concerned parents.  Of course, violence cannot and should not be tolerated. But the Attorney […]

AFL Demands Accountability: FOIAs General Milley, DOD Over Botched Evacuation from Afghanistan, Unauthorized Communications with the CCP

October 1, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – Following sworn testimony before Congress from General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, American First Legal (AFL) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking documents and records associated with General Milley’s communications with the media and Chinese officials.  In Congressional testimony–including a classified briefing leaked by unidentified […]

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