Biden NARA VP Communications with Hunter and James

Agency: NARA Case #: NARA-2022-0119-F
Biden Family Corruption
Foreign Affairs & National Security
General Government Oversight
AFL FOIA to the National Archives for Biden Vice Presidential era documents related communications with Hunter Biden and James Biden.

CCDH-State communications

Agency: State Department Case #: F-2023-13154
First Amendment
America First Legal filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Department of State, seeking its communications with Imran Ahmed and his group, the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH).

CCDH-DHS communications

Agency: DHS Case #: 2023-HQFO-02156
First Amendment
America First Legal filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Department of Homeland Security, seeking its communications with Imran Ahmed and his group, the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH).

March 24, 2021 Letter to Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg Re…

Agency: Office of the New York State Attorney General Case #: G000554-081523
First Amendment
America First Legal Launches Nationwide Investigation into State Attorneys General Collusion with Pro-Censorship Foreign Organization the Center for Countering Digital Hate to Censor the American People

Rules and Procedures Governing Presidential Records

Agency: NARA Case #: NGC23-269
DOJ Politicization
General Government Oversight

Biden White House “Special Access Request” for Trump Ma…

Agency: NARA Case #: NGC23-323
DOJ Politicization
General Government Oversight
AFL filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the National Archives and Records Administration’s (NARA) Office of the Inspector General to obtain records related to the Biden White House’s “Special Access Request” for President Trump’s records located at Mar-a-Lago.

Clinton Archives' Records on Alejandro Mayorkas

Agency: NARA Case #: 2023-0128-F
General Government Oversight
Political Appointees
AFL filed a FOIA seeking records on Alejandro Mayorkas relating to his nomination for United States Attorney for the Central District of California.

Communications Relating to Presidential Records Located at …

Agency: NARA Case #: NGC22-727
DOJ Politicization
General Government Oversight
AFL filed a FOIA seeking records from the National Archives relating to communications relating to the Presidential Records located at Mar-A-Lago. This request was formerly assigned tracking code: NARA-NGC-2022-001529.

State Department Interagency Censorship

Agency: State Department Case #: F-2023-05374
First Amendment
AFL filed a FOIA with the State Department to obtain records on how the State Department has worked with the rest of the U.S. Government to “combat” so-called “misinformation” and “disinformation” domestically.

DHS Parole Authority Memo

Agency: DHS Case #: 2023-HQFO-00820
AFL filed a FOIA request with DHS seeking the Parole Authority Memo the Biden Administration is using as justification for the free release of illegal aliens into the United States.


Agency: FDA Case #: 2022-8184
First Amendment
General Government Oversight
AFL sent the Food and Drug Administration a FOIA for all records on the COVID memes it has been posting to Twitter

ICE Communications with NGOs

Agency: ICE Case #: 2022-ICFO-22582
Foreign Affairs & National Security
AFL filed a FOIA request for ICE’s communications with non-government organizations related to illegal aliens being transported around the country after illegally entering the country through the southwest border.

IRS-Escobar Communications Regarding AFL

Agency: IRS Case #: 2023-01427
First Amendment
General Government Oversight
Following Representative Escobar’s announcement that she filed a complaint with the IRS against AFL, AFL filed a FOIA for all those communications.


Agency: DHS Case #: 2021-HQFO-01216
Political Appointees
AFL requested documents regarding political appointees, their qualifications for the positions they hold, their ethics pledges, and any conflict of interest waivers they have received.

Biden NARA VP Foreign Business Dealings

Agency: NARA Case #: NARA-2022-0121-F
Biden Family Corruption
Foreign Affairs & National Security
General Government Oversight
AFL FOIA to the National Archives for Biden Vice Presidential era documents related to the Biden Family Foreign Business Dealings.

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