WASHINGTON, D.C. – America First Legal (AFL) has filed a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) against the University of Pennsylvania (“Penn”) alleging that Penn failed to carry out its duties as the fiscal sponsor of the Penn Biden Center.
As the Penn Biden Center’s fiscal sponsor, Penn was obligated to prevent prohibited private benefits (“inurement”), prohibited campaign intervention activities, unlawful political lobbying, and illegal influence peddling. However, in violation of federal law, it appears that Penn’s President, Amy Gutmann, created the Penn Biden Center precisely to directly benefit Biden and, according to emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop, his family members as well. Furthermore, Penn’s federally-mandated foreign donation reports reveal that Penn’s association with Biden triggered tens of millions of dollars in donations from the People’s Republic of China.
The evidence is that former Vice-President Biden was paid nearly a million dollars for appearing on campus six times in two years. Other former Obama Administration officials, including the current Secretary of State, were also paid in amounts vastly disproportionate to the time they spent educating Penn’s students. The quid pro quo for the Chinese and other foreign donations to Penn have not yet been disclosed.
Statement from Reed D. Rubinstein, America First Legal Senior Counselor and Director of Oversight:
“The Penn Biden Center appears to have been a cover for foreign and domestic political influence peddling. Apparently, it functioned as a vehicle for Penn to raise and funnel large amounts of Chinese Communist money to Joe Biden and his political cronies. Penn should come clean – this is illegal, and the IRS needs to investigate”, said Reed D. Rubinstein.
Read the IRS 13909 complaint here.
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