Press Releases

AFL Demands Records Relating To The Biden Administration’s Open Border Policies Since Taking Office

June 17, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Thursday, America First Legal submitted a Freedom of Information Act Request (FOIA) to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security requesting all records, communications, and documents related to a host of the Biden Administration’s immigration policies. Those policies include: implementation of Executive Order 14010; the termination of the Migrant Protection Protocols Program; […]

Biden’s DOJ Opens The Asylum Floodgates For Illegal Aliens With Meritless Claims

June 16, 2021

Decisions issued today by Merrick Garland upend longstanding law, opening a path for meritless asylum claims to flood the immigration court system. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued two disastrous decisions (Matter of A-B-, and Matter of L-E-A-), which will undoubtedly result in a flood of meritless asylum claims that will clog […]

AFL Responds To Latest Biden Administration Initiative On ‘Racial Equity,’ This Time At NASA

June 16, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, in furtherance of President Biden’s direction via Executive Order 13985, the Administration published a “Request for Information” asking outside groups and members of the public for ideas on how to incorporate so-called ‘racial equity’ into programs at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Rather than focus on maintaining America’s historical […]

AFL President Stephen Miller Reacts To President Biden’s Operation Central American Airlift For Illegal Aliens’ Relatives

June 16, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – On Tuesday evening, AFL President Stephen Miller reacted to the announcement that the Departments of Homeland Security and State are jointly expanding the blatantly unlawful Central American Minors (CAM) Program–originally created under the Obama Administration and ended under the Trump Administration–effectively creating a new chain migration program for illegal aliens.  CAM was […]

ICYMI: In Response To AFL Lawsuit, Biden Administration Abandons Its Unconstitutional Racial Discrimination In Distribution Of Restaurant Revitalization Fund

June 15, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – Following litigation, the Small Business Administration halted its unconstitutional practice of applying racial preferences and exclusions when awarding relief under the Restaurant Revitalization Fund. The New York Times published an article yesterday highlighting the issue. Excerpt from The New York Times article:  Conservative groups backed their suits. The Texas case was brought […]

AFL Files New FOIA Seeking Info Regarding DHS’ Decision To Terminate Office That Served American Victims Of Illegal Alien Crime

June 11, 2021

VOICE office was established in the Trump Administration to assist victims of crimes committed by criminal aliens.  WASHINGTON, DC – America First Legal has filed a new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request about the Biden Administration’s ludicrous and deeply disturbing decision to terminate the VOICE office.  AFL President Stephen Miller issued the following statement: […]

AFL Defends Religious Freedom, Joins Case Against The EEOC’s Illegal Executive Action On Transgender Policy

June 7, 2021

AFL joins case defending religious organizations and other employers from illegal executive overreach WASHINGTON, DC – America First Legal has formally joined a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas against the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s unconstitutional interpretation of Title VII. Their guidance says that Title VII prohibits all employment […]

Biden Administration Caves in Response to AFL Lawsuit, Will End Unconstitutional Racial Preferences in the Restaurant Revitalization Fund

June 4, 2021

DOJ lawyers tell federal court that the Biden Administration has ceased its illegal processing regime and will consider applications on a race neutral, first-come-first-served basis  WASHINGTON, DC – The Biden Administration told a federal court yesterday that it will no longer give preferential treatment to select racial groups when awarding relief under the Restaurant Revitalization […]

AFL Files A Motion For A Preliminary Injunction And Class Certification In USDA Racially-Based Debt Relief Program

June 3, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – America First Legal has filed an amended complaint, a motion for class certification, and a motion for a preliminary injunction in its case involving the federal government’s racist and unconstitutional Department of Agriculture loan forgiveness program–which provides loan forgiveness up to 120% for farmers and ranchers based solely on the color of […]

AFL President Reacts to NYT Story on Biden Admin’s Plan To Surge Visas, Green Cards

June 1, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – The New York Times reported that the Biden Administration is planning a huge unilateral rewrite of virtually every major visa program for the purpose of accelerating and expanding all forms of migration into the United States. AFL President Stephen Miller issued the following statement: “AFL exists to protect the core rights and […]

America First Legal Seeks Information From The Department Of Education About Use Of Covid Education Funds To Force Critical Race Theory Onto U.S. Schoolchildren

May 29, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – America First Legal has filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Department of Education regarding its efforts to implement Critical Race Theory throughout the programs it administers, including its proposed use of covid relief funds to subsidize “Antiracist Therapy” in our nation’s schools.  So-called Antiracist Therapy is a form of […]

AFL Secures Preliminary Injunction For Clients Victimized By Biden Race Discrimination

May 28, 2021

Court Grants a Preliminary Injunction Against the Small Business Administration WASHINGTON, DC – The Northern District of Texas granted America First Legal’s clients a preliminary injunction against the discriminatory administration of the Small Business Administration’s Restaurant Revitalization Fund. The Small Business Administration must now process out clients’ applications in accordance with a “race neutral, sex-neutral […]

America First Legal Files FOIA Request On Biden Admin’s Order To End Covid Origin Investigation

May 28, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – America First Legal filed a Freedom of Information Act request to the State Department seeking information related to the Biden Administration’s termination of the investigation into the origins of the coronavirus. AFL President Stephen Miller issued the following statement: “The Biden Administration’s decision to cancel the State Department’s ongoing investigation into covid’s […]

AFL Files For Preliminary Injunction Against Biden Administration’s Illegal Race Discrimination

May 24, 2021

AFL Continues Fight Against Race-Based Exclusion And The So-Called Equity Agenda WASHINGTON, DC – AFL has filed a proposed class action lawsuit and a motion for a preliminary injunction on behalf of several restauranteurs in Texas and Pennsylvania who filed an application for COVID-19 restaurant relief, but whose applications were sent to the back of the […]

America First Legal Seeks Information About Biden Administration’s Targeting Of Conservative Servicemembers

May 23, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – America First Legal filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Department of Defense seeking information on the Biden Administration’s potential monitoring of conservative servicemembers across the Department of Defense. In just the past couple of months, several concerning instances of politicization have been brought to light. AFL President Stephen Miller […]

AFL President Denounces Biden’s “Temporary” Amnesty for Haitian Nationals

May 23, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – America First Legal President Stephen Miller released the following statement in response to the Biden Administration’s announcement about Temporary Protected Status for Haitian nationals:  “The Biden Administration’s decision to designate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for noncitizen Haitian nationals living in the United States — thereby voiding their departure dates, amnestying those here […]

America First Legal Files First FOIA Request Seeking Data On The Biden Administration’s Administrative Abolition of ICE’s Mission

May 21, 2021

AFL Expands Its Oversight to Include FOIA Productions WASHINGTON, DC – America First Legal filed its first Freedom of Information Act request seeking all weekly enforcement reports by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The effort is part of AFL’s effort in promoting government transparency and accountability.  AFL President Stephen Miller issued the following statement: […]

America First Legal Joins Louisiana’s Legal Team in Lawsuit Against Biden’s Abolish Ice Memos

May 20, 2021

AMERICA FIRST LEGAL JOINS LOUISIANA’S LEGAL TEAM IN LAWSUIT AGAINST BIDEN’S ABOLISH ICE MEMOS WASHINGTON, DC – America First Legal has signed a pro bono services agreement to provide legal support, consultation, and strategy to the State of Louisiana in its lawsuit against the Biden Administration’s illegal and unconstitutional memoranda that constitute a backdoor attempt […]

America First Legal Secures Temporary Restraining Order for Client Against Biden Administration

May 19, 2021

Judge Awards Temporary Restraining Order Against Biden SBA in Racial Discrimination Case, Finds that AFL’s Client is Likely to Prevail in His Case WASHINGTON, D.C. – Late last night, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas granted a temporary restraining order against the Biden Administration’s Small Business Administration. America First Legal asked […]

America First Legal Condemns Biden Administration’s Abortion Agenda in Formal Regulatory Comment

May 17, 2021

Biden Administration’s radical Title X rule would endanger countless unborn lives WASHINGTON, DC – Today, America First Legal submitted a comment to the Department of Health and Human Services objecting to the Biden Administration’s proposed radical abortion mandate. The rule would require all Title X programs to provide abortion referral services to their clients, in […]

AFL Board Member Matt Whitaker Statement on SCOTUS Abortion Case

May 17, 2021

WASHINGTON DC – Today, the Supreme Court announced that it would take up a case on Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban. America First Legal Board Member and former Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker released the following statement: “America First Legal strongly believes in the Constitutional and God-given right to life, and we are pleased that the […]

Help America First Legal Expose “Critical Race Theory” Indoctrination By Telling Your Story

May 17, 2021

America First Legal is proud to partner with the Center for Renewing America in the next phase of the fight against Critical Race Theory (CRT) and its destructive Marxist designs for our country. We want to highlight stories and examples of CRT indoctrination that you may have personally experienced, whether in the workplace, classroom, local […]

America First Legal Files Motion For Temporary Restraining Order to Halt the Biden Administration’s Racial Discrimination Against Bar and Restaurant Owners

May 16, 2021

WASHINGTON DC – Today, on behalf of their courageous client, America First Legal filed a motion for a Temporary Restraining order (TRO) to immediately stop the Biden Administration from illegally deciding which restaurants receive covid relief funds based upon their race. This follows the filing of a historic lawsuit on Thursday that seeks to prevent the […]

America First Legal Files New Lawsuit Against Biden Administration for Illegal Race Discrimination Against Bar and Restaurant Owners

May 13, 2021

Scandalous New Guidelines Punish Hard-Hit Bar & Restaurant Owners Based on Race WASHINGTON, DC – In its continuing mission to uphold civil rights and the vision of Martin Luther King Jr., America First Legal has filed a historic lawsuit to block the Biden Administration’s illegal racial discrimination in administering COVID relief policies. Congress created the […]

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