Thomas, et al. v. Loudoun County Public Schools

Case Number: 22003556-00 Loudoun County Circuit Court

Parental Rights
November 2023
Status: Ongoing
Parental Rights


Loudoun County Public Schools adopted Regulation 8040, which prohibits school staff from talking to parents about any issue related to the “gender identity” of their children, unless the child consents. The school district also implemented critical race theory into its curriculum and allowed teachers to discuss topics like race, sex, and religion in an age-inappropriate manner.


America First Legal, representing a group of 11 parents, filed a lawsuit seeking damages, injunctive relief, declaratory relief, and the appointment of a special master to oversee the school district.


The case was dismissed when the Court found that the plaintiffs did not have standing. Although the Court recognized that parents have a self-executing right under the Virginia Constitution to bring cases to protect their parental rights, the Court said that these particular plaintiffs had not alleged appropriate injury.

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