Montana, et al. v. Cardona, et al.

Case Number: 1:23-cv-00775-TSC D.D.C.

Parental Rights
March 2023
Status: Ongoing
Parental Rights


The Cedar Grove School District in Cedar Grove, New Jersey, began gathering information from young children about gender identity, same-sex unions, religious affiliation, and race/ethnicity. In 2021, the parents filed complaints with the New Jersey Department of Education. Within six months, the State investigated, held a hearing, and ruled that the school district had violated parents’ rights. The parents also filed PPRA complaints with the Department of Education, but the complaints sat for well over a year without any action. In 2022, AFL filed two FOIA requests and sent a letter to the Department of Education demanding reasons for the delay. Then, and only then, the Department notified parents that it was opening an investigation. But since January 2023, the parents have heard nothing further.


AFL sued the U.S. Department of Education and Secretary Miguel Cardona on behalf of parents in Cedar Grove, New Jersey, for failing to investigate and resolve their Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) complaints.


The case is currently being litigated.

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