Auslander v. Tredyffrin/Easttown

Case Number: 2:22-cv-01425-HB E.D. Pa.

Parental Rights
April 2022
Status: Won
Parental Rights


Ben Auslander, a father, tried to review his child’s school district’s curriculum, which included divisive CRT instructional materials. Initially, the school district allowed him to inspect the CRT curriculum, but they prohibited him from taking verbatim written notes, photocopying, or photographing the records. When Mr. Auslander switched to taking voice notes on his phone, a district official shut him down, claiming that it was a copyright violation. The official abruptly ended the inspection and ordered Mr. Auslander to leave the premises.


America First Legal sued on behalf of Mr. Auslander to stop the school district from interfering with his constitutionally protected First Amendment right to video and audio record or copy or photocopy all records Defendants produced in response to the plaintiff’s right to know request.


AFL VICTORY. AFL obtained the documents on behalf of Mr. Auslander and released them to the public to show—definitively—that CRT indoctrination was being advanced in public schools.

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