AFL v. Department of Education

Case Number: 24-448, D.D.C.

FOIA Litigation
February 2024
Status: Ongoing
FOIA Litigation


The Department of Education has failed to comply with a series of FOIA requests submitted by AFL. In February of 2023, AFL requested communications regarding a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, which could restrict the rights of parents to opt their children out of experimental school programs. In July of 2023, AFL requested communications regarding the Biden Administration’s “Book Czar,” who actively helps local school districts fight against parents who do not want inappropriate “transgender” books in K-12 libraries. In August of 2023, AFL requested communications regarding the “National Summit on Equal Opportunity in Higher Education” - a strategy session held by the Biden Administration that looked for ways to help colleges and universities continue to discriminate in admissions following the ruling in Students for Fair Admission v. Harvard.


AFL sued the Department of Education for failing to produce responsive records.


This case is currently being litigated.

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