DOJ-ODAG Parent Surveillance FOIA

Agency: DOJ Case #: FOIA-2022-00211
DOJ Politicization
AFL sent a FOIA request to DOJ for additional records related to the Attorney General’s October 4 Memo directing the use of DOJ resources to monitor parent speech activity at schools.

DOJ Processing of AFL FOIA Requests

Agency: DOJ Case #: FOIA-2022-00164
General Government Oversight
AFL sent a FOIA request to DOJ on how it handles and processes FOIA requests from AFL to ensure we are not being treated differently than any other requestor.

Attorney General Garland's Conflict of Interest with Panora…

Agency: DOJ Case #: FOIA-2022-00083
Critical Race Theory


Agency: DOJ Case #: EOUSA-2022-000037
DOJ Politicization
AFL submitted a FOIA request to the Executive Office of United States Attorneys for their records related to the Attorney General’s October 4 Memo on treating parents protesting at school board meetings as domestic terrorists.

DOJ Suppression of Parents' Speech at Schools

Agency: DOJ Case #: FOIA-2022-00056
Critical Race Theory
DOJ Politicization
AFL filed a FOIA seeking records related to the Attorney General’s October 4, 2021, Memo to deter parents from exercising their Constitutional rights to speak out against Critical Race Theory and other forms of anti-American indoctrination in public schools.

DOJ Suppression of Parents' Speech at Schools (CRIM)

Agency: DOJ Case #: CRM-301677502
Critical Race Theory
DOJ Politicization
AFL filed a FOIA seeking records related to the Attorney General’s October 4, 2021, Memo to deter parents from exercising their Constitutional rights to speak out against Critical Race Theory and other forms of anti-American indoctrination in public schools.

DOJ Suppression of Parents' Speech at Schools (CRT)

Agency: DOJ Case #: CRT-22-00004-F
Critical Race Theory
DOJ Politicization
AFL filed a FOIA seeking records related to the Attorney General’s October 4, 2021, Memo to deter parents from exercising their Constitutional rights to speak out against Critical Race Theory and other forms of anti-American indoctrination in public schools.

DOJ Suppression of Parents' Speech at Schools (OLC)

Agency: DOJ Case #: OLC-22-003
Critical Race Theory
DOJ Politicization
AFL filed a FOIA seeking records related to the Attorney General’s October 4, 2021, Memo to deter parents from exercising their Constitutional rights to speak out against Critical Race Theory and other forms of anti-American indoctrination in public schools.

DOJ Suppression of Parents' Speech at Schools (US Attorneys…

Agency: DOJ Case #: DOJ Suppression of Parents’ Speech at Schools (US Attorneys)
Critical Race Theory
AFL filed a FOIA seeking records related to the Attorney General’s October 4, 2021, Memo to deter parents from exercising their Constitutional rights to speak out against Critical Race Theory and other forms of anti-American indoctrination in public schools.

DOD & General Milley Interviews and Communication with CCP

Agency: DOD Case #: 21-F-1602
Foreign Affairs & National Security
AFL filed a FOIA to obtain documents related to General Mark Milley’s communications with reporters and members of the media and with the Chinese Communist Party


Agency: ICE Case #: 2021-ICFO-40146
AFL Requested data and information from ICE regarding Unaccompanied Alien Children, including information related to vetting sponsors, check-ins, and removals of UAC.

Statistics on Unaccompanied Alien Children (HHS)

Agency: HHS Case #: 21-F-0208
AFL submitted a FOIA request to HHS seeking records relating to the Department’s Office of Refugee Resettlement care for Unaccompanied Alien Children.

Biden Administration Afghanistan Withdraw (Dept. of Defense…

Agency: DOD Case #: 21-F-1477
Foreign Affairs & National Security
AFL filed a FOIA to obtain critical information related to the Biden Administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, including information about the safety and security vetting and screening of evacuees from Kabul.

Biden Administration Afghanistan Withdraw (Dept. of Justice…

Agency: DOJ Case #: FOIA-2021-02103
Foreign Affairs & National Security
AFL filed a FOIA to obtain critical information related to the Biden Administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, including information about the safety and security vetting and screening of evacuees from Kabul.

Biden Administration Afghanistan Withdraw (DHS)

Agency: DHS Case #: 2021-HQFO-01432
Foreign Affairs & National Security
AFL filed a FOIA to obtain critical information related to the Biden Administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, including information about the safety and security vetting and screening of evacuees from Kabul.

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