DOJ Judicial Nominations Process Change

Agency: DOJ Case #: EMRUFOIA072021
General Government Oversight
AFL requested documents related to change in vetting process for judicial nominees

State Department GEC MDM

Agency: State Department Case #: F-2022-06835
Biden Family Corruption
First Amendment
Foreign Affairs & National Security
General Government Oversight
AFL FOIA for records from the State Department’s Global Engagement Center’s censorship activities, communications with the Poynter Institute and International Fact-Checking Network organizations, including on topics relating to “Hunter Biden Disinformation” in the 2020 Election.


Agency: CISA Case #: 2022-NPFO-00105
Biden Family Corruption
First Amendment
Foreign Affairs & National Security
General Government Oversight
AFL FOIA Request to the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) for records related to CISA’s Mis-, Dis-, and Malinformation (MDM) Team, and specifically records related to the suppression of Hunter Biden news stories ahead of the 2020 Election.

HHS Abortion Task Force

Agency: HHS Case #: 2022-00603-FOIA-OS
General Government Oversight
AFL sent a FOIA request to HHS seeking records that show the Biden Administration’s radical push to expand abortion access through HHS’s recently formed “Task Force on Reproductive Healthcare Access.”

Biden Administration Efforts to Undermine Israel and Advanc…

Agency: State Case #: F-2022-06035
Foreign Affairs & National Security
AFL sent a FOIA to the State Department seeking records related to efforts to fund BDS activities and undermine Israel.

State Department Efforts to Materially Support Palestinian …

Agency: State Case #: F-2022-06040
Foreign Affairs & National Security
AFL sent a FOIA to the State Department for records from Hady Amr and George Noll related to support for Palestinian terrorism.

DOJ Records on Justice Clarence and Virginia Thomas

Agency: DOJ Case #: FOIA-2022-00899
DOJ Politicization
AFL sent a FOIA request to DOJ seeking records regarding the Biden Administration’s coordinated smear campaign against U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, Virginia Thomas.

DHS Processing of AFL FOIA Requests

Agency: DHS Case #: DHS Processing of AFL FOIA Requests
General Government Oversight
AFL filed a request with DHS for documents related to DHS’s processing of AFL’s previous FOIA requests.

Political Leadership at the Department of Justice - Part 2

Agency: DOJ Case #: 127724
Political Appointees
AFL refiled its request for documents on political leadership at DOJ after the Department closed its original request.

DOJ Sentencing Memo for BLM Rioter Part 2

Agency: DOJ Case #: FOIA-2022-00775
DOJ Politicization
AFL re-filed its request for documents related to the DOJ sentencing memo for a BLM rioter due to the Department’s inappropriate closure of AFL’s original request.

DOJ Politicization of OLC and BOP Home Confinement Reversal

Agency: DOJ Case #: FOIA-2022-00708
DOJ Politicization
AFL requested documents related to the Office of Legal Counsel reversing itself on a legal question to allow convicted criminals (released to home confinement due to COVID) to never return to prison, after a political pressure campaign and meeting with Susan Rice.

DOJ Sentencing Memo for BLM Rioter

Agency: DOJ Case #: EOUSA-2022-000993
DOJ Politicization
AFL requested documents related to a DOJ sentencing memo that recommended a very lenient sentence for a BLM rioter in Minneapolis who was convicted of arson and homicide.

DOJ Domestic Terrorism Unit

Agency: DOJ Case #: 22-109
DOJ Politicization
AFL sent a FOIA request to the Department of Justice for records related to its newly established “Domestic Terrorism Unit.”

DOJ and FBI Russia Collusion

Agency: FBI Case #: 1510057
DOJ Politicization
Foreign Affairs & National Security
AFL sent a FOIA request to the Department of Justice and FBI seeking their records showing they knew of the Russian Hoax as alleged in the most recent filing by Speical Counsel John Durham.

DOJ and FBI Russia Collusion

Agency: DOJ Case #: FOIA-2022-00292
DOJ Politicization
Foreign Affairs & National Security
AFL sent a FOIA request to the Department of Justice and FBI seeking their records showing they knew of the Russian Hoax as alleged in the most recent filing by Speical Counsel John Durham.

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