“Released Wednesday as part of an ongoing series, the video featured an undercover operative with O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) secretly recording Disney Creative Marketing Director Amit “Genie” Gurnani, an active drag queen. In the video, Gurnani appears to say that he would want more LGBTQ content for children and would want drag queens at Disneyland.”
“As Breitbart News reported, another hidden camera video from OMG appeared to show Disney TV executive identified as Michael Giordano saying that the studio will explicitly exclude white males as part of its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agenda.”
“Breitbart News also reported that ‘Disney is facing a federal civil rights complaint alleging the company’s DEI policies are unlawful and discriminate against white American men, Christians, and Jews. America First Legal filed the complaint against Disney in February.'”
Read the full story on Breitbart here.
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