Sargent, et al. v. School District of Philadelphia, et al.

Case Number: 22-cv-01509 E.D. Pa.

Parental Rights
November 2023
Status: Ongoing
Parental Rights


In 2021, in the name of “antiracism” and “equity,” the School District of Philadelphia announced that starting with the 2022–23 school year, it was changing its selection process for criteria-based schools from a race-neutral process to a racially discriminatory process. The school district did so despite 62% of the students attending those schools identifying as black or Latino and with no schools having a white majority.


Representing three parents of students who were denied entry into schools they were otherwise qualified to attend based strictly on their race, AFL filed a lawsuit to enjoin the admissions policy.


The case is currently being litigated in the District Court.

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