Romine, et al. v. Chester County Board of Elections

Case Number: 2022-07093-IR, Court of Common Pleas of Chester County PA

September 2022
Status: Won


The Chester County Board of Elections placed dropboxes in the community with cameras attached. After investigations by local patriots, it became clear that many people were depositing multiple ballots. A person is only authorized to deposit their ballot into a ballot dropbox in PA. In one instance, a man appeared to fill out two ballots while waiting in his car and then deposited both ballots into the ballot dropbox.


AFL, on behalf of its clients, sued the County and requested that the Board of Elections take the commonsense step of providing dropbox monitors at the dropboxes to ensure individuals are only dropping off their ballot.


AFL VICTORY. The Court granted AFL’s requested relief and ordered the County Board of Elections to staff the dropboxes with monitors to ensure individuals were only dropping off their ballot.

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