Goud Maragani v. Troy Williams, Equality Utah, and Equality Utah Foundation et al.

Case Number: 240906186

August 2024
Status: Ongoing


Goud Maragani is a prominent figure in the Utah Republican Party who served as the President of the Utah Log Cabin Republicans and is a seasoned attorney who began working in the Office of the General Counsel at Lucid Software, Inc. in 2020. Equality Utah is an organization that describes itself as Utah’s leading LGBTQ civil rights organization. After Mr. Maragani, a Christian, publicly voiced opposition to policies like allowing men into women’s locker rooms and “transitioning” children to the opposite sex, Equality Utah’s Executive Director, Troy Williams, disparaged Mr. Maragani on social media and sent letters and emails to Mr. Maragani’s employer in an attempt to paint him as an individual engaging in “hate crimes” and “endangering” people’s lives as a result of his statements. Ultimately, Williams’ influence worked, and Lucid Software terminated Mr. Maragani’s employment simply because of his strong public stance against the radical left’s transgender agenda.



AFL sued Equality Utah and its Executive Director, Troy Williams, for defamation and tortious interfernce impacting our client’s career.


This case is currently being litigated.

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