Hewlett Foundation Exposed for Giving Millions to Fund Racist DEI Initiatives Across America

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Legal (AFL) is releasing research obtained through collaboration with the American Accountability Foundation, demonstrating that the Hewlett Foundation is spending millions to support illegal and racist “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) initiatives. This financial support includes funding organizations that provide encouragement to those who seek to forcibly take over institutes of higher learning in support of the murderous regimes of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and their cabal of anti-Semitic international actors.

“About Us”

The Hewlett Foundation was founded by engineer Bill Hewlett, of Hewlett Packard fame, and his wife, Flora, in 1966. It is a massive multi-billion dollar operation.

Mr. Hewlett failed to condition how its funds were to be used. Without guidelines from its founder, the Foundation and its endowment fell into the hands of leftist ideologues. In 2012, Larry Kramer, a former Stanford Law School dean, took control. Kramer “deepened” the Foundation’s support for “environmental protection, performing arts, and women’s reproductive rights while taking on emerging problems such as cybersecurity and making significant new commitments to address U.S. democracy, racial justice, and economic prosperity.” The website quotes Kramer as saying:

“Action Center on Race & The Economy Institute”

In 2022, the Hewlett Foundation gave $650,000 to the Action Center on Race & The Economy Institute. According to its own website, the Action Center on Race & The Economy Institute puts racism at the heart of its very existence:

To advance its racist mission, the Action Center on Race & The Economy (sister organization of the Action Center on Race & The Economy Institute) recently announced that it “proudly” stands with those who are organizing in support of Hamas and against the right of the Jewish people to defend themselves from acts of terror with the purpose of eliminating the only Jewish state in the world.

Officials at the Action Center on Race & The Economy also routinely publish articles (highlighted on its website) accusing Israel of genocide and calling for demonstrations in opposition to Israel’s right to defend itself from terrorism.

“Achieving the Dream”

In 2022, the Hewlett Foundation shelled out $800,014 to Achieving the Dream, an organization that aims to transform community colleges by demanding that they implement an equity agenda that “increases social justice and equity.” 

The Achieving the Dream website makes clear that “equity” in education, not equality, is its mission.

“Alameda County Office of Education”

The Hewlett Foundation gave $200,000 to the Alameda County Office of Education in 2022.

The Alameda County Office of Education, in quoting Ibram X. Kendi, expects its educators to understand that if they are not strident anti-racist activists, then they themselves are racist. Kendi’s quote is prominently displayed on the “resources on racism” page of the Alameda County Office of Education’s homepage:

“American Constitution Society for Law and Policy”

The Hewlett Foundation donated $136,100 to the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, which seeks to “reimagine” our legal system to address “truth, racial healing, and transformation.”

On its website, the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy explains its goal of changing out laws and legal institutions to achieve equity:

“American Library Association”

Despite its reputation as one of the key architects of radical indoctrination of children in “anti-racist” and “LGBTQ” ideology and activism, in 2022, the Hewlett Foundation gave $160,000 to the American Library Association.

The American Library Association’s “Cultural Proficiencies for Racial Equity: A Framework” explains that public libraries have a role to play in changing “thinking, behavior, and practice” that will lead to “implementation” of “anti-racist objectives.”

A sampling of the American Library Association’s framework demonstrates that the organization is nothing more than a political activist group operating to push racist and anti-American viewpoints:

“Asia Society”

The Hewlett Foundation gave $517,214 in 2022 to the Asia Society, an amount that was specifically earmarked “For Improving Equity and Dismantling Racialized Oppression in Education Systems.

Notably, Asian students are historically the most disadvantaged by “education systems” implementing equity and anti-racism in admissions policies. Those historical practices led to the United States Supreme Court holding that affirmative action programs in education that favor black and Hispanic students over Asian and Caucasian students are unconstitutional.

“AXIS Dance Company”

In 2022, the Hewlett Foundation donated $230,000 to the AXIS Dance Company, an organization committed to anti-equality activism as demonstrated by the “racial equity resources” on its website:

“Black Feminist Future”

The Hewlett Foundation gave $125,000 to Black Feminist Future, which describes itself on its website as empowering “gender-expansive people towards liberation”:

“Center for American Progress”

The Hewlett Foundation gave over $2 million to the Center for American Progress, an organization that strives to advance discriminatory policies through an “equity lens.” Its “advancing racial equity and justice initiative” describes itself as follows:

“Center for Black, Brown, and Queer Studies”

The Hewlett Foundation donated $250,000 to the Center for Black, Brown, and Queer Studies, which describes its role on its website as mobilizing educators, researchers, and activists to push critical race theory, LGBTQ+ studies, and postcolonial and indigenous theory in education.

AFL previously exposed the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for pouring over $30 million dollars into unlawful DEI initiatives and anti-police projects in one year.

Statement from Ian Prior, America First Legal Senior Advisor: 

“It is appalling that the racist and anti-Semitic DEI programs infecting our society are being funded by the Hewlett Foundation, one of the most well-funded ‘philanthropic’ organizations in our country. These legacy institutions are not merely helping continue these anti-equality and anti-American scams through millions in so-called charitable donations, but they are also providing a false sense of legitimacy to the illegal discrimination programs that are a clear and present danger to our constitutional mandate of equality for all. All discrimination is wrong, and the Hewlett Foundation must stop sending the hard-earned money of its donors to organizations that seek nothing less than the destruction of America’s commitment to treat every person equally.” said Ian Prior

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Photo Credit: Adobe Stock Images / Tomasz Zajda

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