America First Legal Releases Primer On Biden Administration’s Globalist Plan To Surrender U.S. Sovereignty To WHO

Washington, D.C. – Today, America First Legal (“AFL”) released a detailed primer on the Biden Administration’s plans to “strengthen” the World Health Organization (“WHO”). The Biden Administration is committed to sacrificing the sovereignty of the United States by collaborating with global elites and far-left domestic allies to “strengthen” the corrupt WHO.

Under the guise of bolstering public health measures, the Biden Administration is willing to delegate control over American public health decision making to the WHO, currently led by Director-General Ghebreyesus, a former member of the Ethiopian Tigray People’s Liberation Front, and apologist for the Chinese Communist Party. AFL will not sit back and allow the Biden Administration to erode U.S. sovereignty over our public health decisions, borders, supply chain, treatment protocols, and public health decision making authority. AFL has strongly stated that any attempt, whatsoever, to bring any agreement into force in any way that violates the laws or Constitution of the United States or otherwise bridges the sacred liberties of the American people will be met with legal action.

AFL’s comprehensive primer provides detailed background, explanation of the Biden Administration’s radical proposals and what they are striving to accomplish, descriptions of constitutional requirements, the Biden Admin’s reckless record so far, and AFL’s action to date. 

You can help stop this assault on American sovereignty and support our crucial work by making a charitable donation to America First Legal today.

Statement from America First Legal President Stephen Miller:

America First Legal is leading the charge to demolish this virulently unconstitutional and authoritarian agreement,” Stephen Miller said.

Read AFL’s Primer here.

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