Deanda v. Becerra, et al.

Case Number: 2:20-cv-92-Z N.D. Tex.

Parental Rights
March 2023
Status: Ongoing
Parental Rights


The Department of Health and Human Services has for decades provided “family planning services” to adolescents under a provision known as Title X. Our client has sought to raise his children in accordance with his Christian faith, and his view as a parent is that his children should not be able to make use of the contraceptive services provided by the Federal Government without his consent. Texas passed a law that gives parents the right to be informed and to grant or withhold consent for their children to participate in programs like Title X. The Biden Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services disregarded Texas’s law and continued to provide these services without informing the parents of children who sought to make use of the program.


Our clients sued the Biden Administration’s Secretary of Health and Human Services to compel the federal government to recognize the parental rights established by the State of Texas, and to establish that Title X does not preempt Texas State Law.


A Federal District Court judge granted summary judgment to our client and ordered HHS to cease violating Texas law and Constitutional parental rights. The case was appealed and is currently pending before the 5th Circuit (Case No. 23-10159)

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