WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, as part of its ongoing litigation blitz against the Biden Administration’s unlawful obstruction of America First Legal’s (AFL) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, AFL sued Biden’s Department of State. This suit aims to expose:
- Who is behind the Biden Administration’s unprecedented attack on U.S. national sovereignty, in the form of its invitation to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism to investigate “systemic racism” in U.S. local law enforcement
- Why the Biden Administration is expanding the World Health Organization’s power and control over American citizens.
- The details of the Biden Administration’s plans to redivide Israel’s capital city of Jerusalem, build Palestinian Authority capabilities to carry out terrorist attacks against Jews and other Israelis, and undermine Israel’s security and sovereignty.
- The Biden Administration’s justification for supporting foreign non-profit organizations that facilitate terrorism and violate U.S. laws.
America First Legal is determined to hold the Biden Administration accountable for breaking federal law and concealing these records from the American public
Statement from Michael Ding, America First Legal Counsel:
“The Biden Administration’s foreign policy choices have repeatedly abdicated U.S. sovereignty to unaccountable international bureaucrats, empowered our allies’ enemies, fostered corruption, and put America last. Despite the State Department’s illegal pattern and practice of stonewalling lawful information requests, America First Legal will keep fighting to shine the light of public scrutiny on this administration’s betrayal of American interests,” said Michael Ding.
Read the lawsuit here.
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