WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Legal (AFL) secured a final judgment upholding its historic victory against the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) attempt to erode both the First Amendment and the reality of biological sex in the name of so-called “gender identity.”
The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas rejected the Biden Administration’s arguments that its radical gender policies should supersede the Americans’ fundamental rights to act and associate in accordance with their religious beliefs. The Court upheld business owners’ right to have and enforce codes of employee sexual conduct reflecting Biblical values, to have and enforce policies that uphold Biblical views on same-sex marriage, to have and enforce sex-specific dress codes, and to have and enforce policies that promote privacy, such as requiring the use of separate bathrooms, on the basis of biological sex.
AFL’s lawsuit targeted EEOC “guidance documents” that claimed that Title VII prohibits employment description on the basis of sexual orientation or sexual identity, with no religious exceptions.
This victory is a major step towards eliminating radical policies that require businesses to “allow employees into restrooms that correspond to the employees’ gender identity, no matter the individual’s biological sex, whether the individual has had a sex-change operation, or whether other employees have raised objections or privacy concerns.”
This ruling is critical in AFL’s mission to defend Americans’ religious freedom and will be vital in preventing the EEOC from targeting Christian-owned businesses that refuse to abide by the Biden administration’s radical gender policies that conflict with religious teachings and biological reality.
Statement from Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Vice President and General Counsel:
“We are proud to continue to fight the lawless edicts of the Biden administration, especially those that reject biological reality and curtail religious freedom. This is a major victory for our clients and we will continue to work tirelessly to defend their rights to be free from this Administration’s unlawful edicts,” said Gene Hamilton.
Read the final judgment here.
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Photo credit: Andrey Popov/Adobe Stock Images