WASHINGTON, DC – American First Legal (AFL) has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking Department of Justice (DOJ) records related to the now-overwhelming evidence that the alleged collusion between President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign with Russia was a hoax, and that the Mueller Investigation was nothing but a partisan witch hunt.
The recent Grand Jury indictments of Michael A. Sussman of the Perkins Coie law firm and Igor Y. Danchenko demonstrates that the often repeated line of “Russian collusion” was a cynical lie first fabricated by Democrat operatives; then advanced by high-ranking DOJ career officials and politicians; and then amplified and pushed by the mainstream media. The truth is that this scandal was a calculated assault against our country, aimed at interfering with—and then overturning—the results of the 2016 Presidential election.
– The Sussman Indictment:
– Details the extent to which Perkins Coie—the law firm to the Clinton Campaign, the DNC, and the driver behind the left’s litigation campaign against election integrity laws—was a key player in pushing the “Russian collusion” lie and, as late as February 2017, was being paid to undermine the 2016 Presidential election. See Sussman Indictment paragraphs 34, 35, 37, 38, 39 – 42.
– Shows Democratic politicians on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence knew the origins and authors of “Russia collusion” as early as February 2017. See Sussman Indictment paragraph 44.
– The Danchenko Indictment:
– Details the workings of an agreement between the Hilary Clinton campaign, Democratic political operatives including a Russian government connected “PR Executive – 1,” an “investigative firm” (likely Fusion GPS), an “international law firm, and a former officer in a friendly foreign intelligence service to create and disseminate false “reports”, including what became to be known as the Steele Dossier, alleging “Russian collusion.” States that the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign called “Crossfire Hurricane” “relied substantially” on these false reports. See Danchenko Indictment paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 19, and 20.
– Further reports “PR Executive – 1” handled global public relations for the Russian government and “a state-owned energy company,” and that his business associate was a “big fan” of Hilary Clinton. He was deeply connected to the Russian government and provided significant information to advance the false “Trump – Russia collusion” story. See Danchenko Indictment paragraph 20, 41, 44, 77, 78, 79, 80, 86, 103.
– However, Danchenko lied to the FBI about “PR Executive – 1[’s]” major role in the fabrication of information against the Trump Campaign. See Danchenko Indictment paragraph 103.
For five years, Democrat operatives and politicians, high ranking FBI and DOJ officials, and the mainstream media have been lying about Trump “Russia collusion.” The evidence, however, now strongly suggests it was Democrat politicians, lawyers, technology executives, and influence-peddling operatives colluding to steal the 2016 election and then to take down the Trump Administration.
The American people deserve the truth. America First Legal is committed to getting answers, and to exposing and holding accountable those inside and outside of government who perpetrated this horrific scandal and fraud on the American people.
Statement from America First Legal President Stephen Miller:
“America First Legal will vigilantly pursue all legal options to ensure those who perpetuated this colossal criminal conspiracy against President Trump, the American People—and against democracy itself—are exposed. Only this way can they be held fully accountable before the law and before history,” Stephen Miller said.
Read the FOIA here.
Read Michael A. Sussman’s indictment here.
Read Igor Y. Danchenko’s indictment here.
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