WASHINGTON, D.C. — Last night, America First Legal (AFL) filed an amicus brief at the Supreme Court of the United States in the case McDonald v. Firth. This case involves state bar associations using mandatory bar dues to fund woke, activist programs and activities. In its brief, AFL argued that the Court should hear the case to stop ideologically driven bar associations from using the power of the state to collect funds to advocate for political and legal positions to which their members object.
Mandatory bar associations have tended to engage in radical activities that are contrary to conservative and traditional American values, and no lawyer should have to finance those radical activities. From advocacy against immigration enforcement to statements in support of abortion rights, the publicized views of state bars speak directly to “controversial subjects” in the public sphere. Moreover, many bar associations are compounding this injury by using bar fees to advocate for speech codes preventing dissenting views on certain topics such as “sexual orientation and gender identity”—topics specifically outlined by the Supreme Court to fall within the realm of public concern. These bar associations serve as another glaring example of dangerous woke indoctrination.
America First Legal will continue to stand with attorneys who are being prevented from exercising their fundamental rights that the rest of society is free to exercise, and we will not back down from protecting conservative values and dignity.
Statement From America First Legal Vice-President and General Counsel Gene Hamilton:
“Powerful mandatory bar associations, awash in resources that flow from compulsory bar dues, have taken up the mantle of advocating for extreme positions that are contrary to the rule of law and American values. It doesn’t have to be this way. There is no shortage of advocacy groups on all ends of the political and ideological spectrum to advance positions on controversial topics. Bar associations should be boring organizations focused on regulating the practice of law, and using the power and resources of a compulsory bar association to advocate for these kinds of positions should not be permitted. The Court should take up this case and hold that members of a mandatory bar cannot be compelled to finance any political or ideological activities, and compelled to join a bar that engages in such activities,” Gene Hamilton said.
Read the Amicus Brief here.
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