AFL Sues Biden Admin Over Records Relating To Purging Christians, Conservatives From The Military


AFL Sues Biden Admin Over Records Relating To Purging Christians, Conservatives From The Military 

WASHINGTON–Yesterday, America First Legal (AFL) filed a lawsuit against the Biden Administration to compel the release of records relating to the Department of Defense’s role in supporting an “ideological cleansing” of political conservatives and Christians from the military.

In May 2021, AFL learned of credible reports that the Department of Defense (DOD) was potentially engaged in anti-conservative purges within DOD. This reporting suggested that DOD and White House operatives were engaging in manifestly unlawful conduct detrimental to U.S. national security solely to punish and suppress constitutionally permitted speech. In response, AFL filed a Freedom of Information Act request with DOD seeking documents related to these allegations and to uncover the degree to which the Biden Administration was imposing woke politics on our active duty military. 

It is the duty of the Biden Administration to support our brave warfighters and ensure the U.S. military’s unquestioned status as the most lethal fighting force in the world. Any attempt to use the military as a vehicle for social engineering, woke politics, or political agendas is antithetical to the military’s mission and is entirely unacceptable.

The Biden Administration must not be allowed to hide the degree to which it has attempted to purge conservatives from the military and impose woke politics on our nation’s service members. The public deserves to know the full extent of the Biden Administration’s role in any attempted liberal indoctrination of the country’s armed forces.

Statement From America First Legal Counsel Reed Rubinstein: 

“The Biden Administration catastrophically failed in Afghanistan. It is demonstrably unprepared for the strategic and tactical challenges presented by China and Russia. It cannot even deter Iran, a second rate power at best, from conducting terrorist operations worldwide, threatening U.S. government officials with assassination, or developing and deploying ballistic missiles and a nuclear bomb. In fact, the only thing that the Biden team has proven capable of doing is forcing our war fighters to suffer woke indoctrination,” Rubinstein said. 

“In May 2021, AFL requested the Department of Defense make public records showing the Biden Administration’s plans to enforce woke ideology and to punish or purge our soldiers who have conservative political or Christian religious beliefs. The Biden team has stonewalled our request, and so we have filed suit to enforce the law. AFL stands with our service members; we will expose the truth and fight for their rights.”

Read the lawsuit.

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