WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Legal Foundation’s (AFL) Center for Legal Equality launched an investigation into the Biden Administration’s efforts to radically reshape the federal government through the deployment of “Agency Equity Teams” at twenty-three federal agencies, which are manded by President Biden’s Executive Order on “Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through The Federal Government.”
Section 2 of the Executive Order instructs each agency head to establish an “Agency Equity Team” by March 15, 2023, and to staff these teams with personnel from every possible component of each agency (policy, legal, communications, financial assistance, etc.). The Order charges each “Agency Equity Team” with the “implementation of equity initiatives,” “delivering equitable outcomes” for the American people, and ensuring “continued equity training and equity leadership development.”
Despite this flowery language, “equity” simply means judging people, and discriminating against them, based solely on the color of their skin. This Executive Order effectively turns the federal government into an “equity” cult that establishes a morally reprehensible and illegal system of preferences based entirely on race. This is wrong and unlawful, and America First Legal will continue to lead the charge against this “equity” lunacy.
AFL filed Freedom of Information Act requests to obtain the names and resumes of each person selected to be on these teams. While AFL will fight President Biden’s unlawful efforts to reshape the federal government, the American people deserve to know precisely which bureaucrats the Biden Administration has empowered at each agency to administer these racially discriminatory policies.
Statement from Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Vice-President and General Counsel:
“The Biden Administration’s obsession with classifying and treating American citizens differently based on race is reprehensible. As a country, we have strived to achieve equal protection and equal treatment under the law–and we have cast aside laws, programs, and policies that raise up one group of citizens while holding another down. The Biden Administration sees nothing wrong with racial discrimination so long as it leads to greater ‘equity,’ and is committed to ensuring that such discrimination is infused into every facet of the federal government’s existence and activities. While we are committed to stopping this illegal campaign using every available lawful tool at our disposal, we will ensure that the American people can understand precisely which bureaucrats the Biden Administration is empowering to lead this radical and illegal transformation,“ said Gene Hamilton.
Read the FOIAs here.
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