WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Legal asked the Department of Education (ED) to request an investigation from the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) into alleged Hatch Act Violations of a Loudoun County School Board Member.
The Hatch Act works to keep our politics clean. Its purpose is to prevent officials from using their official influence and authority in partisan political elections. However, one Loudoun County School Board member has consistently tweeted support for partisan Democratic candidates. Prior Vice Chair and current school board member Atoosa Reaser has made these tweets while her Twitter handle included her official title. Her Twitter profile still includes her official title and her campaign website and she has used her official title to hold and promote fundraisers for partisan candidates. These activities appear to be impermissible under the Hatch Act.
America First Legal is calling on the Department of Education to refer the matter to the Office of Special Counsel to investigate the allegations.
Read AFL’s letter here.
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