WASHINGTON, D.C. — Yesterday, America First Legal submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Department of Justice requesting all documents, communications, and records relating to the vetting and appointment of the Biden Administration’s judicial nominees; who have been confirmed at a rapid pace by the United States Senate.
The American people deserve to know that those poised to serve in the most prominent and influential positions within the American judicial system have undergone the proper scrutiny before their confirmation process.
AFL Vice-President and General Counsel Gene Hamilton issued the following statement:
“The Biden Administration is moving quickly to fill judicial vacancies across the country. The American people deserve to know if this Administration is subjecting its judicial nominees—whom, upon confirmation, will serve lifetime appointments to the federal bench—to the same thorough background checks that all nominees have undergone in prior administrations. The American people have a right to know if there have been any arrangements or agreements to expedite the confirmation process by doing things differently than what has occurred in the past.” Gene Hamilton said.
Read the full FOIA request here.
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